Addiction Treatment Resources
These free resources are just for you!!

Helpful Articles
Below you find articles related to addiction and recovery to assist you on your road to recovery

Common Stumbling Blocks in Recovery
Boredom is common in recovery. We are no longer spending time using or recovering from using so it frees up a

15 Tips for Living Well in Early Sobriety
1. It may be helpful to view your first year of sobriety as a “Transition Time.” What is required in your

Practical Ways to Gain Greater Emotional Intelligence in Recovery
Realize that the first reaction you have to something is emotional but you don’t have to let that drive how you

Understanding Addiction
When you love an alcoholic who is trying to quit, it can be incredibly frustrating especially if you do not struggle

Are You Circling the Drain???
We know deep inside that we are not doing well. We know we are drinking more than we should, we are

Sometimes the path of recovery can feel like a never-ending challenge. We live in a society that wants quick fixes and

Tools for Success
Below are worksheets, guides and other helpful tools to help you on your recovery journey

Recommended Books
These are books that I have read and found helpful, I believe they could be helpful to you too

Life Recovery Workbook Bible
by Stephen Arterburn

This Naked Mind
by Annie Grace

I Want to Change My Life
by Steven M. Melems, MD

Celebrate Recovery 365 Daily Devotional
by John Baker & Mac Owen

Drop the Rock
by Bill P., Todd W., Sara S.

When Food is Comfort
by Julie M. Simon

Spent : Break the Buying Obsession & Discover Your True Worth
by Sally Palaian, PHD

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
by Bill W.

Sweet Surrender
by Pam from Auburn, MA

Links to Additional Resources
Other great websites and informative videos.
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Alcoholics Anonymous Online Meetings
- Cocaine Anonymous (CA)
- Crystal Meth Anonymous
- Dual Recovery Anonymous
- Marijuana Anonymous (MA)
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
- Nicotine Anonymous
- NIAA National Institute Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism
- NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse
- SAMHSA Substance Abuse & Mental Health Admin
- Addiction Center
- Celebrate Recovery
All of the resources listed above are for your information only. I do not endorse any specific program or company. Be sure to check references and always use good judgment and discretion when selecting any resource provided. Accordingly, I cannot be held liable for the accuracy of the information, nor the quality of services provided.